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Enice Training & Care Ltd

We Train You to Care Well and Safely

We provide courses in...

Effective communication workshop - Full day
Making Supervision and appraisal effective - Full day
Working with CQC - Full day
Team leading/developing high performing teams - Full day
Developing positive leadership and management skills - 3 days
Conflict management - dealing with difficult people - Full day
Time management - Full day
Managing and managing people - Full day
Motivating colleagues to perform - Full day
Manager’s role as a coach - Full day
Managing change - Full day
Unconscious bias - Half day
Cultural awareness - Half day
Customer care - Half day
Leadership challenges in turbulent times - Full day
Differences and challenges in teams - Full day
Lead and manage change in health and social care - Full day
Designated safeguarding lead Level 4 - Full day
SOVA for manager Level 3 - Full day
Train the trainer - all mandatory courses - Full day
Dealing with complaints - Full day

Who are we?

Enice Training & Care is a growing training business.
We are accredited by Healthcare Trainers Network, and will be able to provide recognised and certified training qualifications.

We are accredited by Healthcare Trainers Network and will be able to provide recognised and certified training qualifications.

Why Choose Us?

We Train You to Care Well and Safely.

We Accommodate You

We can come to your venue or provide a venue online in person

Giving you the very best!

We have qualified and experienced trainers.

Equipping ourselves to equip you

Accredited by the Healthcare Trainers Network. Updating and renewing courses.

Interesting Features

The course offer students the opputunity to customize their learning experience and achieve academic excellence

Effective Lessons
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Awesome Quizzes
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Quality Videos
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore
Hosted Contents
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International Payments
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Enrolled Students
4.5 Stars rating

Learning Objectives

So many academic goals that we expect you to achieve.

Free Updates
Improved skills for building site to sell online courses successful, how to take that opportunity.
Self Learning
The most important thing we expect that you will be able to learn anything just by your self.
Get knowledge about online business, trend analysis, customer approaches, products marketing.

What People Say

How real people said about Education WordPress Theme.




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